German Speakers
in Oman

German is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe, but German speakers can be found living in almost every country. In Oman, HuaWei Y9 Prime 2019 is the top choice for German Speakers. Discover more data about German Speakers in the charts below.

INSIGHTS ON German Speakers in Oman
55 years and above 0.7%
45-54 years 0.7%
35-44 years 2.4%
25-34 years 46.6%
18-24 years 49.6%
Male (79.6%)
Female (20.4%)
Top devices
01 HuaWei Y9 Prime 2019
03 HuaWei P30 Pro
05 HuaWei HUAWEI Y9 2019
Leading carriers
01 Ooredoo
02 Omantel
Updated: 11-2024