Japanese Speakers
in Albania

Although Japanese is spoken almost exclusively in Japan, you can find Japanese speakers living in nearly every country in the world. The top mobile device for Japanese Speakers in Albania is dolphin TVBOX. More interesting statistics about this segment can be found in the charts below.

INSIGHTS ON Japanese Speakers in Albania
55 years and above 5.1%
45-54 years 3.8%
35-44 years 12.2%
25-34 years 49%
18-24 years 29.8%
Male (77.1%)
Female (22.9%)
Top devices
01 dolphin TVBOX
02 dolphin MBOX
03 RockChip H96 Max RK3318
04 Samsung Galaxy A51
05 RockChip HK1 MAX
Leading carriers
01 Vodafone
02 Telekom
03 ALBtelecom
Updated: 11-2024