Online Casual Gamers
in Oman

Online casual gamers span every age and play many different types of games, from puzzles to action-packed games. 52.3% of the users in this group in Oman are in the 25-34 age group. Gain more insights about Online Casual Gamers in the following charts.

INSIGHTS ON Online Casual Gamers in Oman
55 years and above 0.6%
45-54 years 0.5%
35-44 years 1.9%
25-34 years 52.3%
18-24 years 44.7%
Male (77.8%)
Female (22.2%)
Top devices
01 HuaWei Y9 Prime 2019
03 Samsung Galaxy Tab A (8.0",2019)
05 HuaWei Y7 Prime 2019
Leading carriers
01 Ooredoo
02 Omantel
Updated: 11-2024