
Online Shooting Gamers
in New York City

Online Shooting Gamers

Gamers who play online shooting games might like to play alone or with friends or strangers. They often enjoy the high-end graphics, fast-paced action and storylines that are integrated into these games. To better understand online shooting gamers in New York City, consider the fact that 48.8% are in the 25-34 age group. Learn more about these users below.

Online Shooting Gamers
New York City map
Geolocation stat
United States
New York City, New York
301 sq mi
Audience size
New York City map

INSIGHTS ON Online Shooting Gamers in New York City

55 years and above 0.8%
45-54 years 0.9%
35-44 years 2.3%
25-34 years 48.8%
18-24 years 47.2%
Male (85%)
Female (15%)
Household income
Less than $25,000 36.2%
$25,000 to $39,999 11.9%
$40,000 to $59,999 14.6%
$60,000 to $74,999 7.6%
$75,000 to $99,999 11.3%
$100,000 to $149,999 18.3%
$150,000 and above %
Top devices
01 XiaoMI POCO X3 Pro
02 Samsung Galaxy A12
03 Samsung Galaxy A12
04 Samsung Galaxy A21s
Leading carriers
01 T-Mobile
02 Verizon
03 T-Mobile
5 most visited places/venues
01 Fountain Park
02 Central Park
03 Chelsea Park
04 Chelsea Park Softball League NYC
05 Port of Miami
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Updated: 03-2023