QSR Fast Food Customers
in Latvia

These statistics show insights and characteristics for QSR Fast Food Customers. 55.4% of the users in this group in Latvia are in the 25-34 age group. Gain more insights about QSR Fast Food Customers in the following charts.

INSIGHTS ON QSR Fast Food Customers in Latvia
55 years and above 1.3%
45-54 years 0.3%
35-44 years 4.8%
25-34 years 55.4%
18-24 years 38.2%
Male (61.2%)
Female (38.8%)
Top devices
01 HuaWei HUAWEI P30 lite
02 Samsung Galaxy A51
03 Samsung Galaxy A71
04 HuaWei P30 Pro
05 XiaoMI POCO X3 Pro
Leading carriers
01 Tele2
02 Lmt
03 Bite
Updated: 11-2024