
Ridesharing App Users
in United States

Ridesharing App Users

Ridesharing has been on an upward trajectory since several big-name apps came on to the scene to facilitate the process of connecting available drivers with those wanting rides. In United States, Samsung Galaxy S9 is the top choice for ridesharing app users. Discover more data about ridesharing app users in the charts below.

Ridesharing App Users
United States map
Geolocation stat
United States
9,147,593 sq km
Audience size
United States map

INSIGHTS ON Ridesharing App Users in United States

55 years and above 7.2%
45-54 years 2.6%
35-44 years 6.3%
25-34 years 46.7%
18-24 years 37.2%
Male (63.5%)
Female (36.5%)
Household income
Less than $25,000 34.6%
$25,000 to $39,999 16%
$40,000 to $59,999 17.4%
$60,000 to $74,999 7.5%
$75,000 to $99,999 9.8%
$100,000 to $149,999 14.7%
$150,000 and above %
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy S9
02 Samsung Galaxy Note9
03 Samsung Galaxy S9+
04 Samsung Galaxy S8
05 Samsung Galaxy Note8
Leading carriers
01 T-Mobile
02 Verizon
03 T-Mobile
5 most visited places/venues
01 Central Park
02 Belo Garden
03 Triangle Park
04 Fountain Park
05 Maria Hernandez Park
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Updated: 03-2023