Spanish Speakers
in Myanmar
Spanish is the official language for more than 20 countries, although Spanish speakers can be found in every country throughout the world. 47.3% of the users in this group in Myanmar are in the 25-34 age group. Gain more insights about Spanish Speakers in the following charts.
INSIGHTS ON Spanish Speakers in Myanmar
55 years and above 1.3%
45-54 years 2.4%
35-44 years 7.7%
25-34 years 47.3%
18-24 years 41.3%
Male (86.7%)
Female (13.3%)
Top devices
01 XiaoMI Redmi Note 8
02 XiaoMI Redmi Note 8 Pro
03 XiaoMI Redmi Note 9
05 XiaoMI Redmi 9
Leading carriers
01 Mpt
02 Telenor
03 Ooredoo
Updated: 11-2024