Spotify Music Users
in Belarus

Spotify music users favor the platform because it gives them access to millions of songs and has an excellent discovery algorithm. 53.6% of the users in this group in Belarus are in the 18-24 age group. Gain more insights about Spotify Music Users in the following charts.

INSIGHTS ON Spotify Music Users in Belarus
55 years and above 3%
45-54 years 4.3%
35-44 years 12.2%
25-34 years 27%
18-24 years 53.6%
Male (53.8%)
Female (46.2%)
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy A32
02 Samsung Galaxy A52
03 XiaoMI Redmi Note 8 Pro
05 Samsung Galaxy A12
Leading carriers
01 MTN
02 Velcom
03 Life
Updated: 11-2024