Glossary | A | A/B Testing

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a way for app developers to conduct a controlled experiment between two or more versions of something in their app, to determine which version is more effective.   

For example, an audience might be segmented into multiple groups: the control group (current performance – no changes) and a test group. A variable is introduced to the test group and performance is measured and compared with the control group.  

The purpose of A/B testing is to gather data-driven insights about user preferences, behavior, and engagement to make informed decisions regarding design, content, and functionality.   

By running controlled experiments, app developers can understand how small changes in elements, such as headlines, layouts, colors, call-to-action buttons, or pricing structures impact user response, conversion rates, click-through rates, or other key performance indicators.   

A/B tests can help an app developer measure the impact of changes they’ve made within an app’s design or monetization strategy before rolling them out to all users. A/B tests provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of different variations, helping companies use their digital assets and make data-backed decisions.