Glossary | A | App Re-Engagement

What is App Re-engagement?

App re-engagement is the process of getting users to return using the app after a certain period. This refers to strategies and tactics aimed at re-engaging users who have previously installed and used a mobile application but have become inactive or disengaged over time. App re-engagement efforts are often focused on users who are most likely to convert.

There are multiple effective methods for mobile app re-engagement:

  • The primary method is app push notifications. Push notifications not only increase conversion rates, but also help you build relationships with users.
  • Another method is deep linking. A deep link is a hyperlink that, rather than linking to an app’s main page, links to a specific piece of content or page in an app. Deep linking creates an invaluable and highly personalized experience for the user because marketers get increased control over their app’s targeting process.

App re-engagement strategies help app developers and marketers re-establish a connection with inactive users, drive user retention, and increase overall app usage. By reminding users of the app’s value, delivering personalized experiences, and providing incentives, they aim to re-ignite user interest and encourage ongoing app usage. Re-engagement can be driven by retargeting advertising campaigns.