Glossary | M | Monetization SDK

What is Monetization SDK?


A software development kit (SDK) is a set of tools that provides a developer with the ability to build a custom app which can be added on, or connected to, another program.         

SDK integration is the process of importing a library file into your project in order to use that file’s functions. For example, an app developer can serve advertisements and effectively monetize his app by integrating’s SDK.

Android Step-By-Step SDK integration

  1. Check what Android version the SDK supports
  2. Add the SDK to your project, either through Gradle or manually
  3. Update the AndroidManifest.xml.
  4. Set the listeners and then initialize the SDK
  5. Verify your SDK integration
  6. Update your app-ads.txt

To learn more register to our platform and visit our support center.

iOS Step-By-Step SDK Integration

  1. Check what iOS version the SDK supports
  2. Add the SDK to your project either via CocoaPods or manually.
  3. Set the delegates.
  4. Initialize the iOS SDK.
  5. Verify your integration
  6. Update your app-ads.txt

To learn more register to our platform and visit our support center.