
Users of International Mobile Carriers
in United States

Users of International Mobile Carriers

Consumers who use international mobile carriers most likely travel around the world quite a bit, enabling them to pick up the right network wherever they go. The top mobile device for Users of International Mobile Carriers in United States is UNKNOWN GCE x86 phone. More interesting statistics about this segment can be found in the charts below.

Users of International Mobile Carriers
United States map
Geolocation stat
United States
9,147,593 sq km
Audience size
United States map

INSIGHTS ON Users of International Mobile Carriers in United States

55 years and above 1.8%
45-54 years 2.1%
35-44 years 5.4%
25-34 years 42.3%
18-24 years 48.3%
Male (58.2%)
Female (41.8%)
Household income
Less than $25,000 34.9%
$25,000 to $39,999 15.1%
$40,000 to $59,999 17.3%
$60,000 to $74,999 7.5%
$75,000 to $99,999 9.9%
$100,000 to $149,999 15.3%
$150,000 and above %
Top devices
01 UNKNOWN GCE x86 phone
04 oppo CPH1803RU
05 oppo CPH1853RU
Leading carriers
01 T-Mobile
02 T-Mobile
03 Verizon
5 most visited places/venues
01 Fountain Park
02 Port of Miami
03 Central Park
04 Klyde Warren
05 Port Miami
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Updated: 03-2023