Is your app fit and healthy? It should be.

App health is essential to ensure that your apps are performing at their best, and delivering a great user experience. This will directly impact your app monetization efforts, and help maximize your revenue. Here are some valuable tips for how to optimize the technical health of your app and boost your monetization strategy:

Use the latest SDK: Make sure to keep your software development kits (SDK) up to date. New SDK versions come with updated features, bug fixes and performance improvement. Learn more about how to integrate the latest SDK for iOS and Android here.

Add your app URL: Apps with valid links in the portal are more likely to get premium ads.  It is recommended to have one app ID for each app. 

Test the integration: Testing the SDK is crucial to make sure your app is properly integrated and working smoothly. Make sure to enable test ads at this stage too; that way, you can click on ads without having your app flagged for invalid activity.

Ensure ads load and display properly: If an ad fails to load or display, implement a retry mechanism with increasing delays. This prevents missed impression opportunities, ultimately leading to higher revenue. Also, keep banner ads visible on the screen whenever possible to optimize performance and user experience.

Unity integration: In-App Ads for Unity offers a simple integration process for app publishers using SDK directly. Follow these guidelines to maximize your app’s revenue generation with minimal effort.

By automating tasks and simplifying integration, allows you to launch apps faster and with greater confidence. Spend less time on technical tasks and more time building and improving your apps.

To learn more about how to optimize your in-app advertising with and boost your app’s technical health, check out our Knowledge Base.