“Mobile is where life happens.”

According to a recent review of audience data from the Start.io network, people use their mobile phones for an increasing number of everyday activities and tasks, such as booking a rideshare, managing their bank accounts, ordering food deliveries and watching the news. 

People are not just spending more time on their mobile phones. They are living more of their lives there, too. 

Mobile is the focal channel for so much consumer attention, and it is where brands and businesses must stand out and get noticed. For advertisers, it has never been more important to get original and creative with mobile ads. 

What are some of the upcoming trends in creative mobile advertising? Let’s take a look.

    Want to learn more?

    Generative AI

    Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, the advertising world has been rocked by the potential of generative AI for content creation. The boundaries of what is now ‘creatively’ possible have massively expanded. 

    AI-generated visuals and copy enable advertisers to test a far larger range of high-quality ad creatives with minimal extra investment of time and budget. Besides increased efficiency, advertisers will be able leverage AI-generated voiceovers, GIFs and videos to create more interactive and exciting ad experiences for consumers. With the rapidly advancing pace of AI, more tools for advertisers are becoming available on the market, and advertisers should already be exploring how to use them to become more creative and original. 

    Deeper personalization

    Ad relevance is more important than ever, and consumers no longer have any tolerance for clickbait. Personalization will increasingly become the answer, enabling advertisers to serve relevant, useful and high quality ads that are meaningful and enjoyable to the individual user. In this way, advertisers will also be building trust and authority among their mobile audiences, which is crucial to success in a highly competitive and saturated market.

    In the future of creative advertising, personalization will demand much more than simply geo location or gender targeting. It will encompass complex parameters, such as the user’s interests, mood and values. 

    Providing value after you’ve caught their attention

    Creativity in mobile advertising lies not just in the ad itself, but in the user experience after you’ve earned the audience’s attention. The ad lasts a moment, but the value it provides must extend beyond. Advertisers need to emphasize the post-click, post-impression or post-install stage, and focus on how to continue to engage the user and provide value to them once the ad’s job is done.

    Diversity rules

    Especially during Pride Month, the importance of diversity and inclusion is very clear. Mobile ad experiences that provide diverse representations will naturally be more engaging and appealing to specific audiences. 

    Inclusivity is not just about using diverse characters or voices – it must be based on authenticity, without stereotyping, and create a sense of genuine identification and belonging among the audience. This is the way to build stronger connections with mobile users via creative advertising.

    As more people worldwide turn to their mobile phones for information, social interaction, entertainment, shopping and everyday tasks, successful mobile advertising becomes more competitive and challenging. With the help of advanced tools in generative AI and personalization, and a mindset shift to added-value advertising and diversity, the future of mobile advertising will rely on enhanced and inspired creativity.