
Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones
in United States

Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones

Boost Mobile subscribers with old phones share some similar characteristics. In United States, Samsung Galaxy A20 is the top choice for Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones. Discover more data about Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones in the charts below.

Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones
United States map
Geolocation stat
United States
9,147,593 sq km
Audience size
United States map

INSIGHTS ON Boost Mobile Subscribers With Old Phones in United States

55 years and above 5.2%
45-54 years 4.2%
35-44 years 8.1%
25-34 years 40.1%
18-24 years 42.5%
Male (45.1%)
Female (54.9%)
Household income
Less than $25,000 36.7%
$25,000 to $39,999 15.5%
$40,000 to $59,999 17.5%
$60,000 to $74,999 7.4%
$75,000 to $99,999 9.8%
$100,000 to $149,999 13%
$150,000 and above 0%
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy A20
02 Samsung Galaxy A10e
03 Lge LG Stylo 5+
04 Lg LG Stylo 5+
05 Samsung Galaxy J7 Refine
5 most visited places/venues
01 Walmart Supercenter
02 Western Union
03 Paint Branch Stream Valley Park
04 Shell Oil
05 Subway
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Updated: 08-2022