
Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango
in Bakersfield

Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango

Users who buy their movie tickets from Fandango prefer the convenience of buying tickets online and ahead of time instead of waiting in line to purchase the tickets. In Bakersfield, Samsung Galaxy Note8 is the top choice for Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango. Discover more data about Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango in the charts below.

Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango
Bakersfield map
Geolocation stat
United States
Bakersfield, California
148 sq mi
Audience size
Bakersfield map

INSIGHTS ON Users Buying Movie Tickets From Fandango in Bakersfield

55 years and above 6.8%
45-54 years 3.8%
35-44 years 9%
25-34 years 49.1%
18-24 years 31.3%
Male (63.9%)
Female (36.1%)
Household income
Less than $25,000 19.2%
$25,000 to $39,999 5.7%
$40,000 to $59,999 9.6%
$60,000 to $74,999 3.7%
$75,000 to $99,999 4.8%
$100,000 to $149,999 42.6%
$150,000 and above 14.4%
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy Note8
02 Samsung Galaxy S8+
03 Samsung Galaxy S9
04 Samsung Galaxy Note9
05 Samsung Galaxy S9+
Leading carriers
01 T-Mobile
02 AT&T
03 Verizon
5 most visited places/venues
01 North Beardley Park
02 Costco Wholesale Corp.
03 Kern River Parkway Park
04 Walmart
05 Northwest Promenade
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Updated: 06-2022